Site icon Africastallestman, satirical analysis of current world events.




Reince is incompetent but I cannot dump him.
I am President because of Reince.
The Republican establishment relented and cowered,
As Reince fought for Candidate Trump.
Party Chairman, yea.
Chief of Staff, nay.

Hello Anthony, come work for me,
We need to get rid of some people.
You excoriate Reince publicly,
And he will resign honorably.
In comes Gen. Kelly as his replacement,
You resign citing family reasons and need for a clean plate.

General, you are in for a rough ride,
I am the General-in-Chief,
Or Commander-in-Chief,
You toe the line or,
You’ll be AWOL soon.
I give you political exposure and you cover my ass.

You give me your undiluted loyalty.
Politics is war fought with words.
Your M-16 is useless in politics.
Steve Bannon is next in line for the firing squad.
He is used to mudslinging,
We may have to lock him out of the office.

Grrrr… grrrr… grrrr…
“Vladimir, Dobroye utro (Good morning)”
“Good Morning Donald”
“Donald, you speak Russia?”
“Sorry for insulting you in Russian at the G20 meeting in Berlin”
“I feel awful”

“Two of my wives are Slavs”
“Ty, sukin syn (You son of a bitch)”
“Donald, you curse in Russian”
“Have you found a way around the congressional sanctions”
“As we speak, the General is preparing one”
“Donald, you have more generals in the White House than in the Russian Army”

“Proshchay (Good bye)”

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