Site icon Africastallestman, satirical analysis of current world events.




Igbo saying: ‘Ogbu mma na ana na mma’ — Who kills with the knife dies by the knife.

A slappist wife of a drinking Governor — Osodiegbu — deserves a farewell slap.

Protected by the executive immunity of the DRUNKARD, she slapped the wife of the Deputy Governor.

Protected by the executive immunity of the DRUNKARD, she severally slapped members of the household staff that some became deaf.

Protected by the executive immunity of the DRUNKARD, she slapped Joy Obi into oblivion.

Protected by the executive immunity of the DRUNKARD, she slapped members of her security detail that members of her security detail sought protection from her.

Protected by the executive immunity of the DRUNKARD, she slapped the government house cook so hard that the partially deaf cook will serve cocoyams instead of cassava — abacha.

Protected by the executive immunity of the DRUNKARD, she slapped her official driver so hard that he made a wrong turn and almost ran into a den of unknown gunmen.

Protected by the executive immunity of the DRUNKARD, she slapped one Chinelo Maduabuchi so hard that her wig flew off.

Protected by the executive immunity of the DRUNKARD, she slapped one Chris so hard that Chris now sees visions and thinks he is a prophet.

Protected by the aura of General Odimegwu Ojukwu, Bianca Ojukwu administered two resounding slaps as a farewell gift to Osodiegbu at the end of Osodiegbu’s reign of terror.

Following the reverberations of the slaps felt worldwide, the previous recipients of Osodiegbu slaps are said to have fully recovered their sanity and hearing.

Thanks Bianca, the beautiful, for restoring the dignity of women by slapping rubbish — Osodiegbu — into the dustbin of history.

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