Love, more intoxicating than alcohol.
Gives more high than cocaine
More hallucinogenic than LSD
Sweeter than sugar and more
Calming than clonazepam.

Love, elusive, yet once cornered
Difficult to eliminate or neglect.
Love is no respecter of personalities, age,
Class, economic status, race, distance,
Religion or any incongruity.

Love creates marriages
Love creates divorces
Love creates abdications
Love creates happiness, and
Spurned love creates unhappiness.

Love overrides reason and
Installs emotion in its stead.
Emotion known to create
Intense love, intense hate, or
A combination thereof.

Love turned into hate
May be deadly, just as
Love may lead to death.
Death as in death-defying acts or
As in Romeo-Juliet Syndrome.

Love, once experienced, leaves
Long lasting effects on lovers.
Effects immutable by time,
Distance or physical death.
Love, better experienced than described!